2019-ben kiadott európai szabvány jellegű dokumentumok (CEN)

– Műszaki specifikációk –

A műszaki specifikációkat (CEN/TS-eket) főként az európai piac fejlődésének támogatását célzó témakörök szempontjainak közzétételére, az előírásokra és a kapcsolódó vizsgálati módszerekre vonatkozó piaci iránymutatáshoz, valamint a kísérleti körülmények és/vagy fejlődő technológiák előírásainak megalkotására hozzák létre.


A műszaki specifikációk megvásárolhatók az MSZT Szabványboltjában vagy megrendelhetők a kiado@mszt.hu e-mail-címen a Megrendelőlap kitöltésével.

Érdeklődés esetén a CEN/TS-ek nemzeti szabványként való bevezetésére, illetve további információért kérjük, keresse munkatársainkat az alábbi elérhetőségen:

Hivatkozási szám és cím


CEN ISO/TS 35105:2019
Petroleum and natural gas industries. Arctic operations. Material requirements for arctic operations (ISO/TS 35105:2018)

Kőolaj-, petrolkémiai és földgázipari anyagok, felszerelések és tengeri tartószerkezetek

CEN/TS 16459:2019

External fire exposure of roofs and roof coverings. Extended application of test results from CEN/TS 1187

Építmények tűzbiztonsága

CEN ISO/TS 25107:2019

Non-destructive testing. NDT training syllabuses (ISO/TS 25107:2019)

Roncsolásmentes vizsgálat


CEN/TS 17305:2019

Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations. Specifications for pre-examination processes for saliva. Isolated human DNA

Orvosi in vitro diagnosztikai készülékek

CEN ISO/TS 21003-7:2019

Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water installations inside buildings. Part 7: Guidance for the assessment of conformity (ISO/TS 21003-7:2019)

Műanyag csővezeték- és csatornarendszerek

CEN/TS 13476-4:2019

Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE). Part 4: Assessment of conformity

CEN/TS 1451-2:2019

Plastic piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure. Polypropylene (PP). Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity

CEN/TS 17176-3:2019

Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above ground drainage, sewerage and irrigation under pressure. Oriented unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O). Part 3: Fittings

CEN/TS 1852-2:2019

Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Polypropylene (PP). Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity

CEN ISO/TS 21805:2019

Guidance on design, selection and installation of vents to safeguard the structural integrity of enclosures protected by gaseous fire-extinguishing systems (ISO/TS 21805:2018)

Beépített tűzoltókészülékek

CEN ISO/TS 21083-2:2019 

Test method to measure the efficiency of air filtration media against spherical nanomaterials. Part 2: Size range from 3 nm to 30 nm (ISO/TS 21083-2:2019)

Légszűrők általános légtisztításra

CEN/TS 419221-6:2019

Conditions for use of EN 419221-5 as a qualified electronic signature or seal creation device

Személyazonosítás, valamint kapcsolódó személyes berendezések biztonságos elemekkel, működéssel és titkosítással vegyes ágazati környezetben

CEN/TS 17342:2019

Road restraint systems. Motorcycle road restraint systems which reduce the impact severity of motorcyclist collisions with safety barriers

Közúti berendezések

CEN/TS 17338:2019

Liming materials. Determination of the lime requirement in soil. Ammonium acetate buffer method pH 5,5

Műtrágyák és meszezőanyagok

CEN/TS 17286:2019

Stationary source emissions. Mercury monitoring using sorbent traps


CEN/TS 17337:2019

Stationary source emissions. Determination of mass concentration of multiple gaseous species. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

CEN/TS 17061:2019

Foodstuffs. Guidelines for the calibration and quantitative determination of pesticide residues and organic contaminants using chromatographic methods

Élelmiszer-vizsgálatok horizontális módszerei

CEN/TS 17062:2019

Foods of plant origin. Multimethod for the determination of pesticide residues in vegetable oils by LC-MS/MS (QuOil)

CEN/TS 17303:2019

Foodstuffs. DNA barcoding of fish and fish products using defined mitochondrial cytochrome b and cytochrome c oxidase I gene segments

CEN/TS 17329-1:2019

Foodstuffs. General guidelines for the validation of qualitative real-time PCR methods. Part 1: Single-laboratory validation

CEN/TS 17329-2:2019

Foodstuffs. General guidelines for the validation of qualitative real-time PCR methods. Part 2: Collaborative study

CEN ISO/TS 19091:2019

Intelligent transport systems. Cooperative ITS. Using V2I and I2V communications for applications related to signalized intersections (ISO/TS 19091:2019)

Intelligens közlekedési rendszerek

CEN ISO/TS 19468:2019

Intelligent transport systems. Data interfaces between centres for transport information and control systems. Platform independent model specifications for data exchange protocols for transport information and control systems (ISO/TS 19468:2019)

CEN ISO/TS 21177:2019

Intelligent transport systems. ITS station security services for secure session establishment and authentication between trusted devices (ISO/TS 21177:2019)

CEN ISO/TS 21189:2019

Intelligent transport systems. Cooperative ITS. Test requirements and Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) pro forma for CEN ISO/TS 17426 (ISO/TS 21189:2019)

CEN/TS 16794-1:2019

Public transport. Communication between contactless readers and fare media. Part 1: Implementation requirements for ISO/IEC 14443

CEN/TS 16794-2:2019

Public transport. Communication between contactless readers and fare media. Part 2: Test plan for ISO/IEC 14443

CEN/TS 17154-1:2019

Electronic fee collection. Evaluation of implementation for conformity to CEN/TS 16986. Part 1: Test suite structure and purposes

CEN/TS 17154-2:2019

Electronic fee collection. Evaluation of implementation for conformity to CEN/TS 16986. Part 2: Abstract test suite

CEN/TS 17241:2019

Intelligent transport systems. Traffic management systems. Status, fault and quality requirements

CEN/TS 17249-4:2019

Intelligent transport systems. eSafety. Part 4: eCall for UNECE Category T, R, S agricultural/forestry vehicles

CEN/TS 17249-5:2019

Intelligent transport systems. eSafety. Part 5: eCall for UNECE Category L1 and L3 powered two-wheeled vehicles

CEN/TS 17249-6:2019

Intelligent transport systems. eSafety. Part 6: eCall for UNECE Category L2, L4, L5, L6 and L7 tricycles and quadricycles

CEN/TS 17297-2:2019

Intelligent transport systems. Location Referencing Harmonisation for Urban-ITS. Part 2: Transformation methods

CEN/TS 17312:2019

Intelligent transport systems. eSafety. eCall via satellite

CEN/TS 17313:2019

Intelligent transport systems. ESafety. Interoperability and user choice in eCall aftermarket and third party eCall services

CEN/TS 17363:2019

Intelligent transport systems. ECall optional additional data. Linked mobile phone number data concept

CEN/TS 17378:2019

Intelligent transport systems. Urban ITS. Air quality management in urban areas

CEN/TS 17380:2019

Intelligent transport systems. Urban-ITS. 'Controlled Zone' management for UVARs using C-ITS

CEN/TS 17395:2019

Intelligent transport systems. eSafety. eCall for automated and autonomous vehicles

CEN/TS 16769:2019

LPG equipment and accessories. Terminology

Cseppfolyósított szénhidrogéngázok gázberendezései

CEN ISO/TS 19139-1:2019

Geographic information. XML schema implementation. Part 1: Encoding rules (ISO/TS 19139-1:2019)


CEN/TS 17385:2019

Method for condition assessment of immobile constructed assets


CEN/TS 17331:2019

Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances. Content of organic substances. Methods for extraction and analysis

Építési termékek. A veszélyes anyagok kibocsátásának értékelése

CEN/TS 17332:2019

Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances. Analysis of organic substances in eluates

CEN ISO/TS 19590:2019

Nanotechnologies. Size distribution and concentration of inorganic nanoparticles in aqueous media via single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ISO/TS 19590:2017)


CEN/TS 17307:2019

Material derived from End-of-Life tyres. Granulates and powders. Elastomers identification: Gas-chromatography and mass-spectrometric detection of pyrolysis products in solution

Használt gumiabroncsból nyert anyagok (ELT)

CEN/TS 17308:2019

Materials produced from end of life tyres. Steel wire. Determination of the non-metallic content

CEN ISO/TS 18090-1:2019

Radiological protection. Characteristics of reference pulsed radiation. Part 1: Photon radiation (ISO/TS 18090-1:2015)

Nukleáris energia, a nukleáris technológiák és sugárvédelem

CEN/TS 17287:2019

Requirements and test methods for electronic cigarette devices

Elektronikus cigaretták és e-folyadékok