2021-ben kiadott európai szabvány jellegű dokumentumok (CEN, CLC)
– Műszaki specifikációk –

A műszaki specifikációkat főként az európai piac fejlődésének támogatását célzó témakörök szempontjainak közzétételére, az előírásokra és a kapcsolódó vizsgálati módszerekre vonatkozó piaci iránymutatáshoz, valamint a kísérleti körülmények és/vagy fejlődő technológiák előírásainak megalkotására hozzák létre.

A műszaki specifikációk megvásárolhatók az MSZT Szabványboltjában vagy megrendelhetők a kiado@mszt.hu e-mail-címen a Megrendelőlap kitöltésével.

Érdeklődés esetén a műszaki specifikációk nemzeti szabványként való bevezetésére, illetve további információért kérjük, keresse munkatársainkat az alábbi elérhetőségen: szabvtit@mszt.hu.

Hivatkozási szám és cím


CEN ISO/ASTM/TS 52930:2021

Additive Manufacturing. Qualification principles. Installation, operation and performance (IQ/OQ/PQ) of PBF-LB equipment (ISO/ASTM/TS 52930:2021)

Additív gyártás

CEN/TS 15209:2021 
Tactile paving surface indicators produced from concrete, clay and stone

Burkolóelemek és szegélykövek

CEN ISO/TS 22703:2021

Health informatics. Requirements for medication safety alerts (ISO/TS 22703:2021)

Egészségügyi informatika

CEN ISO/TS 82304-2:2021

Health software. Part 2: Health and wellness apps. Quality and reliability (ISO/TS 82304-2:2021)

CEN/TS 17329-1:2021

Foodstuffs. General guidelines for the validation of qualitative real-time PCR methods. Part 1: Single-laboratory validation


CEN ISO/TS 23973:2021

Liquid chromatography at critical conditions (LCCC). Chemical heterogeneity of polyethylene oxides (ISO/TS 23973:2020)

Festékek és lakkok

CEN/TS 16360:2021

Paints and varnishes. Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood. Assessment of film extensibility by indentation of a coating on a wooden substrate

Festékek és lakkok

CEN/TS 17693-1:2021

Earthworks. Soil treatment tests. Part 1: pH-test for determination of the lime requirement of soils for stabilization (Lime Fixation Point LFP, Lime Modification Optimum LMO)


CEN/TS 17693-2:2021

Earthworks. Soil treatment tests. Part 2: Test of evaluation of the aptitude of a dry material to emit dust

CEN/TS 12007-6:2021

Gas infrastructure. Pipelines for maximum operating pressure up to and including 16 bar. Part 6: Specific functional recommendations for unplasticized polyamide (PA-U)


CEN/TS 17659:2021

Design guideline for mechanically fastened roof waterproofing systems

Hajlékony vízszigetelő lemezek

CEN/TS 17606:2021

Installation of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment containing flammable refrigerants, complementing existing standards


CEN/TS 17607:2021

Operation, servicing, maintenance, repair and decommissioning of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment containing flammable refrigerants, complementing existing standards

CEN/TS 17500:2021

Quality of care and support for older persons

Idősgondozási ellátások minősége

CLC/TS 50600-2-10:2021

Information technology. Data centre facilities and infrastructures. Part 2-10: Earthquake risk and impact analysis


CLC/TS 50600-5-1:2021

Information technology. Data centre facilities and infrastructures. Part 5-1: Maturity Model for Energy Management and Environmental Sustainability

CEN ISO/TS 17573-3:2021

Electronic fee collection. System architecture for vehicle-related tolling. Part 3: Data dictionary (ISO/TS 17573-3:2021)

Intelligens közlekedési rendszerek

CEN ISO/TS 21184:2021

Cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS). Global transport data management (GTDM) framework (ISO/TS 21184:2021)

Intelligens közlekedési rendszerek

CEN ISO/TS 21719-3:2021

Electronic fee collection. Personalization of on-board equipment (OBE). Part 3: Using integrated circuit(s) cards (ISO/TS 21719-3:2021)

CEN/TS 17496:2021

Cooperative intelligent transport systems. Communication profiles

CEN/TS 17642:2021

Intelligent Transport Systems. eSafety. eCall Interface for PSAPs to access cargo and dangerous goods databases

CEN/TS 15531-4:2021 
Public transport. Service interface for real-time information relating to public transport operations. Part 4: Functional service interfaces: Facility monitoring

CEN/TS 17638:2021

Stationary source emissions. Manual method for the determination of the mass concentration of formaldehyde. Reference method


CEN/TS 17660-1:2021 
Air quality. Performance evaluation of air quality sensor systems. Part 1: Gaseous pollutants in ambient air

CEN/TS 1046:2021

Thermoplastics piping and ducting systems. Outside the building structures for gravity and pressurised systems. Trench installation

Műanyag csövek és csőidomok

CEN/TS 1329-2:2021

Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U). Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity

CEN/TS 13598-3:2021

Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE). Part 3: Assessment of conformity

CEN/TS 1555-7:2021 
Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels. Polyethylene (PE). Part 7: Guidance for the assessment of conformity

CEN/TS 17627:2021

Plastics. Recycled plastics. Determination of solid contaminants content


CEN/TS 17403:2021

Fertilizers. Determination of cold water insoluble nitrogen and hot water insoluble nitrogen in solid urea formaldehyde and methylene urea slow-release fertilizers and determination of the solubility of nutrient polymers in phosphate buffer solution with a pH of 7,5 at 100 °C

Műtrágyák és talajjavítók

CEN ISO/TS 12025:2021

Nanomaterials. Quantification of nano-object release from powders by generation of aerosols (ISO/TS 12025:2021)


CEN ISO/TS 21362:2021

Nanotechnologies. Analysis of nano-objects using asymmetrical-flow and centrifugal field-flow fractionation (ISO/TS 21362:2018)

CEN ISO/TS 80004-6:2021

Nanotechnologies. Vocabulary. Part 6: Nano-object characterization (ISO/TS 80004-6:2021)

CEN/TS 17629:2021

Nanotechnologies. Nano- and micro- scale scratch testing

CEN ISO/TS 11665-12:2021

Measurement of radioactivity in the environment. Air: radon-222. Part 12: Determination of the diffusion coefficient in waterproof materials: membrane one-side activity concentration measurement method

(ISO/TS 11665-12:2018)

Nukleáris energia, nukleáris technológiák és sugárvédelem

CEN ISO/TS 23406:2021

Nuclear sector. Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of quality management systems for organizations supplying products and services important to nuclear safety (ITNS) (ISO/TS 23406:2020)

CEN ISO/TS 22115:2021

Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Separation of lipid classes by capillary gas chromatography (fingerprint method) (ISO/TS 22115:2021)

Olajmagvak, állati és növényi zsírok és olajok

CEN ISO/TS 16775:2021

Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices. Guidance on the application of ISO 11607-1 and ISO 11607-2 (ISO/TS 16775:2021)


CEN/TS 17626:2021

Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations. Specifications for pre-examination processes for human specimen. Isolated microbiome DNA

CEN/TS 17688-1:2021 
Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations. Specifications for pre-examination processes for Fine Needle Aspirates (FNAs). Part 1: Isolated cellular RNA


CEN/TS 17688-2:2021 
Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations. Specifications for pre-examination processes for Fine Needle Aspirates (FNAs). Part 2: Isolated proteins

CEN/TS 17688-3:2021 
Molecular in vitro diagnostic examinations. Specifications for pre-examination processes for Fine Needle Aspirates (FNAs). Part 3: Isolated genomic DNA

CEN/TS 17630:2021

Pulp, paper and paperboard. Determination of anthraquinone in extracts from pulp, paper and paperboard

Papír, karton és cellulóz

CLC/TS 50131-5-1:2021

Alarm systems. Intrusion systems. Part 5-1: Interconnections. Requirements for wired Interconnection for I&HAS equipments located in supervised premises


CLC IEC/TS 60079-43:2021

Explosive atmospheres. Part 43: Equipment in adverse service conditions

Robbanásbiztos villamos gyártmányok

CLC IEC/TS 60079-47:2021

Explosive atmospheres. Part 47: Equipment protection by 2-wire intrinsically safe Ethernet concept (2-WISE)

CEN/TS 17631:2021

Personal identification. Biometric group access control


CEN/TS 17661:2021

Personal identification. European enrolment guide for biometric ID documents (EEG)

CEN ISO/TS 21596:2021

Solid biofuels. Determination of grindability. Hardgrove type method for thermally treated biomass fuels

(ISO/TS 21596:2021)

Szilárd bio-tüzelőanyagok

CEN ISO/TS 29843-2:2021

Soil quality. Determination of soil microbial diversity. Part 2: Method by phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA) using the simple PLFA extraction method (ISO/TS 29843-2:2021)


CEN/TS 19100-1:2021

Design of glass structures. Part 1: Basis of design and materials

Teherhordó szerkezetek erőtani tervezése

CEN/TS 19100-2:2021

Design of glass structures. Part 2: Design of out-of-plane loaded glass components

CEN/TS 19100-3:2021

Design of glass structures. Part 3: Design of in-plane loaded glass components and their mechanical joints

Teherhordó szerkezetek erőtani tervezése

CEN/TS 19103:2021

Eurocode 5: Design of Timber Structures. Structural design of timber-concrete composite structures. Common rules and rules for buildings

CEN ISO/TS 23758:2021

Guidelines for the validation of qualitative screening methods for the detection of residues of veterinary drugs in milk and milk products (ISO/TS 23758:2021)

Tej és tejtermékek

CEN/TS 17445:2021

Geosynthetics. Standard test for the simulation of rainfall-induced erosion on the surface of a slope protected by geosynthetic erosion control products


CEN/TS 14237:2021

Textiles for healthcare and social services facilities

CEN/TS 17394-1:2021

Textiles and textile products. Part 1: Safety of children’s clothing. Security of attachment of attached components to infants’ clothing. Specification

CEN/TS 17394-3:2021

Textiles and textile products. Part 3: Safety of children’s clothing. Security of attachment of metal mechanically applied press fasteners. Test method

CEN/TS 17394-4:2021

Textiles and textile products. Part 4: Safety of children’s clothing. Security of attachment of components except buttons and metal mechanically applied press fasteners. Test method

CEN/TS 17551:2021

Fixed firefighting systems. Automatic sprinkler systems. Guidance for earthquake bracing

Tűzvédelmi felszerelések

CEN/TS 15427-1-2:2021

Railway applications. Wheel/Rail friction management.

Part 1-2: Equipment and Application. Top of Rail materials

Vasúti alkalmazások

CEN/TS 15427-1-3:2021

Railway applications. Wheel/Rail friction management.

Part 1-3: Equipment and Application. Adhesion materials

CEN/TS 15427-2-2:2021

Railway applications. Wheel/Rail friction management.

Part 2-2: Properties and Characteristics. Top of Rail materials

CEN/TS 15427-2-3:2021

Railway applications. Wheel/Rail friction management.

Part 2-3: Properties and Characteristics. Adhesion materials

Vasúti alkalmazások

CLC/TS 50152-4:2021

Railway applications. Fixed installations. Particular requirements for AC switchgear. Part 4: AC metal-enclosed traction switchgear

CLC/TS 50459-1:2021

Railway applications. Communication, signalling and processing systems. European Rail Traffic Management System. Driver-Machine Interface. Part 1: General principles for the presentation of ERTMS/ETCS/GSM-R information

CLC/TS 50459-2:2021

Railway applications. Communication, signalling and processing systems. European Rail Traffic Management System. Part 2: Ergonomic arrangements of GSM-R information

CLC/TS 50459-3:2021

Railway applications. Communication, signalling and processing systems. European Rail Traffic Management System. Part 3: Ergonomic arrangements of non ETCS information

CLC/TS 50701:2021

Railway applications. Cybersecurity

CEN/TS 17623:2021

BIM Properties for lighting. Luminaires and sensing devices


CLC IEC/TS 60034-30-2:2021

Rotating electrical machines. Part 30-2: Efficiency classes of variable speed AC motors (IE-code)

Villamos forgógépek

CLC IEC/TS 60034-32:2021

Rotating electrical machines. Part 32: Measurement of stator end-winding vibration at form-wound windings

CLC/TS 50703-1:2021

Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC). Part 1: Testing requirements for metal sheets’ joints used in LPS
